You might have already read somewhere that open-ended questions are better for getting your grandchildren to talk to you. Maybe you’ve heard don’t ask yes or no questions – and this is for good reason.
If the answer is yes or no, the conversation might not last very long – and it might not be very satisfying for you or your grandchild.
BUT, there are times when close-ended questions really work.
I call this gamifying your conversation with your grandchildren. And it’s exactly what it sounds like: make the conversation into a bit of a game.
It’s super simple but really effective if used in the right way.
Let’s say you are having a video chat with your grandchild and you really want to know what they are interested in right now.
After all, knowing their interests is key to bonding from a distance.
There are a million ways to find out what kids are into – without actually asking: What are you into right now?
Of course, you can ask this question if your grandchildren are a little older.
But with budding conversationalists, try asking it in the form of a multiple-choice question.
My 6-year-old son taught me this little technique while having a 20-minute conversation with his Grandpa on the telephone – not even video!
I recommend video though, especially for the little ones.
Finn asked his Grandpa: What do you think my favourite animal is:
a. A shark
b. A cheetah
c. An elephant
And then it was Grandpa’s turn to make up a question. Grandpa soon caught on that ‘a’ was always going to be Finn’s answer, but it was fun for both of them.
This went on for ages and not only did Grandpa learn a few new things about his grandson… I did too!
For little ones, you can hold up different items to the screen and have them point or say which one they like best. Think things like: Would you pick a banana or an apple for a snack? Would you choose a bowl or a plate for a hat?
How does this build connection? It makes the moment more memorable and provides a way for you to get to know your grandchild – and then use this information in future conversations.
Happy Connecting!